Can You Rebake Undercooked Quiche? (Answered)

Wouldn’t it be a dream come true when you have a perfect Quiche on the table on a Sunday morning? All this can be ruined just by an undercooked Quiche; the most common problem everyone faces is that their Quiche is watery. The next thing that pops in our minds is, “can I rebake it, or would it spoil my quiche?”

The answer is YES!! You can rebake an undercooked quiche for sure. But before you proceed, there are a few things that you’ve to keep in mind. In this article, we’ll be going through the best ways to rebake an undercooked Quiche, along with some tips and tricks to avoid a watery quiche.

Firstly, let’s start with why your Quiche is undercooked or watery in the middle.


Why is your Quiche undercooked or watery in the middle?


The frustration flows through us when we get an undercooked Quiche, but there are only a few common reasons your quiche might be undercooked, and let’s go through them one by one.


Your eggs and dairy

Your eggs and dairy

Your eggs and dairy temperature can affect the custard, so always remember to bring it to room temperature before adding it to your Quiche. If you add cold eggs and dairy to your custard, settling down takes a more extended period.

A perfect ratio between the eggs and the dairy will lead to a perfect quiche. If you add too many eggs, it will dry out and be like a scrambled egg, and at the same time, if you add too much dairy, you’ll end up with a watery quiche.

Remember the ratio of 4:1, i.e., 4 eggs to 1 cup of milk or cream. This will never go wrong.

Water content in your ingredients

Veggies can be a real villain while cooking Quiche. Even though there are many types of quiches, most of the time, they’ll be undercooked when we add veggies to them. This is because vegetables let out liquids while cooking, eventually leading to watery custard. This can be prevented by cooking the vegetables, i.e., just sautee them before adding them to the custard.

The other ingredient that’ll affect your custard is dairy. Instead of heavy cream, if you use light cream or even milk, that might make your quiche watery.

It’s not always because of the vegetables and the dairy. Always make sure to dry out your ingredients before adding them to the custard.


Oven placement

Oven placement may seem like it’s not that big of a deal, but no, it is a big deal because if you place your quiche in the bottom rack, then the crust will dry out real soon before the custard bakes. But if you put it in the top rack, then the bottom part will get soggy as it takes time to bake from top to bottom.

The best placement will be the middle rack; no worries if it’s not possible in your oven. The bottom rack will work just as fine as the middle rack.


Blind baking

Blind baking

When the crust is soggy, that’ll eventually lead to a watery quiche. The crust will get soggy only when the egg custard is put into it before the crust is baked. To avoid this, blind-bake the crust before putting in the egg custard.

Line the crust in a pie pan with parchment paper, put on some beans or pie weights, and bake it for 15 minutes at 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Now remove the parchment paper and the beans or pie weights again and bake for another 10 minutes. Let it cool for a few minutes before you add the egg custard.


How to fix an uncooked Quiche?

Even though everything is not in our hands, there are a few things that we can take control of. Follow the below-mentioned steps to make a better Quiche.




The simplest way to rectify an uncooked Quiche is to reheat it. The perfect temperature would be 165 degrees Fahrenheit for another 10 to 15 minutes. But make sure to check it every 5 minutes so that you don’t overbake the Quiche.

Sometimes the pie crust might get over brunt while reheating the quiche. Cover it with aluminum foil when something like that happens before setting it in for the second time. This might resolve a slightly burnt crust.


Bain-marie method

The Bain-marie method will reheat only your custard and not the crust so that the crust will not be burnt. Fill half of the bowl with boiling water and place the pie pan inside the bowl. Now place the bain-marie set up into the oven, the water in the bowl will evaporate and cook the custard, and the crust will not be burnt.


Remove the moisture

This step will only work when your Quiche is slightly wet in the middle. This usually happens when the quiche lets out some moisture while baking. This moisture can be sucked out by delicately dabbing a paper towel over the Quiche.



 1) How to prevent the quiche from getting soggy at the bottom?

Always preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and 180 degrees Celsius. Once the oven is heated, place the pie pan inside the oven and let it bake for about 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, open and check whether the bottom is cooked; if not, continue baking it for another five minutes.


 2)  Is it okay to leave an undercooked quiche in the fridge?

Yes, but it’s only advisable to leave it for 2 hours as the longer you leave it in the refrigerator, the more challenging It’ll be to reheat the quiche.


3) What is another option for milk while making Quiche?

Heavy cream is the best option; milk comes secondary when the cream is in hand while making Quiche.


Happy baking! Quiche can be served at a party and even on a Sunday brunch. It is effortless to bake too. But we might have some bumps while baking it. To rectify and attain a perfect Quiche, consider the above-mentioned reasons and methods. Do mention below in the comments if you have any further questions.

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