Do Coffee Makers Boil Water?

While coffee makers can provide piping hot coffee, the big question is if they can boil water too. If you have the same question in mind, you’re at the right place.

The brief answer is that coffee makers don’t boil water since they don’t reach water at its boiling point, which is 212° Fahrenheit.

But why is it so!? In this article, we’ll tell you why coffee makers don’t boil water, how they heat water if they get hot enough to get rid of bacteria and much more. So stay tuned!


Boiling Point Of Water


Before we understand why coffee makers don’t boil water, it is crucial to know at what temperature does water boils.

Generally, 212° Fahrenheit is the boiling point of water. However, in higher places, such as mountainous areas, the water boiling point is lower due to low atmospheric pressure.


At What Temperature Does A Coffee Maker Bring Water?


Now that you know the boiling point of water let us inform you about the temperature at which a coffee maker brings water.

Nowadays, most coffee makers are designed to bring your water’s temperature between 180° Fahrenheit to 205° Fahrenheit, which is lesser than the boiling point of water.


3 Reasons Why Coffee Makers Don’t Reach Water To Its Boiling Point

Now that you know that coffee makers don’t boil water, below are 3 reasons for this:

  1. Hot water contains a large number of minerals. This will lead to buildup in your coffee maker and thereby damage it.
  2. Water turns into steam once it reaches its boiling point. Once the water becomes steam, it gets trapped in the coffee maker. Since coffee makers aren’t designed to handle steam, they can get damaged.
  3. Hot water can heat the coffee grounds, causing them to become bitter. This will result in strong, bitter-tasting coffee. This is one of the biggest reasons why you shouldn’t use hot water in your coffee maker.


Which Water Temperature Is Recommended For Coffee Makers?

The National Coffee Association has recommended a temperature range between 95-205 degrees Fahrenheit for coffee makers. That’s why most coffee makers these days are designed to bring water to this temperature range. It is the ideal temperature for almost all brewing methods and can give you that delicious cup of coffee!


How Do Coffee Makers Heat Water?

We will briefly inform you about how water gets heated in a coffee maker.

Nowadays, drip, stovetop, and espresso are the most popular types of coffee makers.

These coffee makers have a small aluminum tube, a coffee basket, a carafe, etc. The science behind heating water in a coffee maker is simple.

The water runs through the aluminum tube before entering the coffee basket. Because the tube is small, the water takes less time to get heated.

Moreover, as the water passes through the coffee beans, it absorbs the flavor and aroma of the coffee. In this way, your brewing cup of coffee is made.


Can My Coffee Maker Eliminate Bacteria From The Water? 

If you are wondering whether your coffee maker can heat water up to the point where bacteria and viruses can get eliminated from the water, then the answer is no!

The reason behind this is that the water has to reach its boiling point (212°F) to kill bacteria.

The Environmental Protection Agency says that 3 minutes of boiling water can remove bacteria from the water.

However, most coffee makers today get automatically switched off after water has reached a specific temperature. That’s why it’s important to use pure water when making coffee in your coffee maker.


Why Should You Use Pure Water In Your Coffee Maker


There are two aspects to this question. The first one is that why should you only put pure water in your coffee machine? And the second is why you should refrain from using tap water to brew coffee. The answer is simple!

  • Firstly, since coffee is mainly water, therefore, it should be of high quality. Well, we don’t deny that oils and flavors extracted from coffee grounds can largely impact the taste of your coffee; the majority of your coffee is water.
  • Moreover, pure water is low in mineral content, which can increase the life of your coffee machine. The more minerals in the water, the greater the chances of your coffee machine malfunctioning.
  • Secondly, since tap water is contaminated with bacteria, dust particles, fungi, and other chemicals, these contaminants can lead to the malfunction of your coffee maker over time. For this reason, you would have to clean your coffee maker regularly.


Would I Need A Water Filter For My Coffee Maker?

No, you may not need a water filter for your coffeemaker. The more convenient alternative is to use filtered water for your coffee makers since coffee makers do not purify water. This will result in a clean coffee.

However, today, many coffee makers have integrated carbon filters that remove many impurities. Nevertheless, these filters can not remove bacteria, fungi, and heavy metals from the water. In addition, carbon filters need to be replaced every 6-12 months to function correctly.


3 Easy Ways To Purify Water For Your Coffee Maker

Since coffee makers do not purify water, we have mentioned below 3 easy and effective ways to purify water for your coffee maker:

  • Opt for filtered or spring water to enjoy aromatic and clean coffee.
  • Molds and fungi can grow in the filter basket of your coffee maker, especially if you live in a humid region. So please clean your coffee maker at least twice a month. You can use a water and vinegar solution to clean your coffee maker.
  • If you are using tap water (which we don’t recommend), consider boiling it and bringing it to room temperature before adding it to your coffee maker.




1. Can I make tea in my coffee maker?

Yes, you can also make tea in your coffee maker. All you need to do is add tea leaves/bags to the coffee filter instead of ground coffee.


2. How many hours can I leave water in my coffee maker?

Water can be left in the coffee maker for 8-12 hours. However, we recommend you refrain from leaving it for more than 12 hours since it can cause bacterial growth.


3. How much time do coffee makers take to heat water?

The time coffee makers take to heat water depends on their type. While drip coffee makers take 2-10 minutes to heat water, espresso coffee makers can heat water in 15 seconds – 2 minutes.



In conclusion, coffee makers are a handy kitchen appliance these days.

While they do not boil water, they can bring its temperature closest to its boiling point. (212°F).

However, this temperature is not high enough to get rid of bacteria. Therefore, we recommend you use filtered water for your coffee maker.

Last but not least, we recommend you always put filtered water in your coffee maker to enhance the taste of your coffee and prevent it from damage.

If you have any other related queries, please mention them in the comment section below. We will help you out! Until then, enjoy your sip of coffee! 

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